Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Your Orchard

Years ago we had a friend who would just drop by and talk and talk and talk.  He was a nice man but would often  get stuck on a subject and it was almost impossible to redirect him.  Sometimes we almost did not want to open the door.  

One day he stopped in.  He was kind of on a "rant" about how others were failing all around him.  "This one is not paying attention...that one should be doing something else" and on and on it went.

As I listened I felt the Lord give me a "proverb" to tell him.   I said  "Jack,  you own a beautiful orchard.  You have been caring for it and watching it for a few seasons now. It is nearing harvest time.  You have nurtured your trees to be sure to get a good crop.  During this waiting period  you have been spending your time inspecting your friend's orchards and fields.  You have taken careful note as to what has not been done and have many ideas as to how they could improve on their management of their fields.  It has bothered you  on many different levels as to their poor orchard "skills"

You finally decide to go back to your own orchard only to find that ALL the fruit has fallen off the trees and has and is rotting on the ground.  
You MISSED the opportunity that you had been waiting months to take advantage of! Now ALL your time and energy has been wasted."

"Remember Jack when we stand before God He will ask us ONLY about our own "job", "talent", responsibility.  It is ALWAYS easier to look elsewhere and find fault and have ideas and thoughts but that is not what God has called us to do.  We need to mind our own crops or we may forfeit them all!   I suggest you leave the other "farmers" alone and stay busy cultivating  your own fields."

The point was made and taken and he went home.

Jack is not alone.  How often we spend our time looking somewhere  else rather than deal with our own stuff.  

Be careful friend.  Don't end up like Jack.  Watch your "trees" as the fruit is going to be ready any day and you don't want to miss a thing!  God will take care of everyone else!


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