Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Can You Talk About Me ~?

This past weekend my "whole" family got together to share a few months of birthdays.  The 35+ of us sat in a big circle in front of the fire place and affirmed, shared memories, prayed over and loved on each member that was celebrating a birthday from Aug 1 to Nov 30.   Old and young alike were involved and because of the size of our family it took almost 2 hours to complete!   

Later in the evening when things had quieted down and most gone their separate ways, I was serving 2 of my grandchildren a sandwich to tide them over till their mom arrived.  As I placed it on the table my 3yr old granddaughter said,  "GrandBabe, can you talk about me?"

WOW  ~  this was hours after the "event" and much had happened in the interim, yet on this little one's mind was the memory of seeing some of her cousins, aunts and uncles etc be blessed with words of affirmation and it stirred in her spirit!   

I said , "Of course!" and right there at the table I said , 
"This is Zoe Wells.  She loves Jesus, (right Zoe? ~ a nod in reply)  She loves her brothers and shares with them (right Zoe? another nod)  She is a beautiful girl who is loved by her mom and dad and HER WHOLE FAMILY!!"  

Finishing with a hug and kiss she was contented in her place, her position, in the family.

Folks ~   This is why the Scripture says in Hebrews 3:13 to "encourage one another as long as it is called "today"

Hebrews 10:24, 25
Phil 4:8
Eph 4:29
Prov 10:11
1 Thess 4:18
1 Thess 3:2
Acts 15:32

Not everyone is feeling "a part" of the family of God....Let's "talk about each other" in a way that will affirm that each of us is a vital part of the Body, loved by God AND by each other.  



  1. Billy Walker Great!! A wonderful reminder of our role as encouragers to our children and grandchildren

  2. Yes, Yes, YES. YES!! This is so moving. I am praying to be a “GrandBabe” of the same heart and soul.

    Mary Ann
