Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Her Husband

Her Husband

My single friend excitedly told me 
about all the options and opportunities that were beginning to open to her 
as she considered leaving her tenured job of many years. 
She was beginning to test the waters 
and do some looking.

She was feeling a little overwhelmed as this new task was added to an all ready very busy season as teacher. 

'There's this and this, 
a phone call, a meeting, an offer etc etc." she shared.

Immediately I saw a picture.   

She was sitting  at the breakfast table 
with her Husband,  
telling Him all about the many things that were swirling around in her mind.  

I saw Him sitting back in His chair 
in rapt attention 
as He intently listened to her every word.

"Honey", He said,  "Go and enjoy your day today. 
While you're gone I'm going to take some time 
to look carefully at each of these offers 
and suggestions and make a few call etc.  
Leave it all to Me!  
You know I have Connections!  
When you return 
and are rested 
we will chat about each one and I will give you My thoughts and guidance on each and every detail!"

He shooed her along as her "but but but's" faded away.

What a GOOD HUSBAND we have!!!
Is it possible?!
Does Someone really look out for us like that ?
Does Someone really care that much?
Is He really willing to get involved in the muck and mire of daily living?
Does it really matter to Him?


and yes HE DOES 

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Wait for the end of the story!

My Story

While sharing with a friend today she shared how others had told her she should write her story.

I recalled the story of Cinderella  
 She was in a safe beautiful family
Her mom died and eventually her dad remarried
A step mother and 2 step sisters moved in on the scene
Immediately her life changed
She became a slave, her carefree life and all the freedoms she had known were now over. 

At any time during these years 
her story could have been written 
but yet today we know it would not have been the whole story......we would have "held" her in the chapter where we last saw her.

Cinderella obediently went about her business, 
preparing her family for the ball, 
bearing her own disappointment of broken dreams and sitting in the cold ashes.

A knock at the door
a fairy god mother
some mice, a few pumpkins and some "magic"
a Prince Charming that would not be satisfied with lesser "things" and an ill fitting shoe

brings us to the 
rest of the story
where they lived happily ever after!

What we miss by writing our story before He's finished!
Wait on the Lord...
Don't lean on our own understanding,
but let Him keep writing your story
Don't Be afraid
He has the VERY BEST ENDING in store for those that follow Him!


The Train Ride

The Train Ride

As I listened to a dear sister talk today 
I had a picture of her being on a long train ride.

It seemed she did not know when she got on the train
 and her trip seemed to have taken on a life of its own.
She kind of had forgotten where she was going
 and that she even had a destination.   
Each day ran into the next with the mundanity of broken hope and nothing new.

Today it seemed as she stared out the same old window on the same old car a sign caught her attention.

    A SIGN??

What a relief....
she had been riding so long, 
so many broken dreams and crazy life happenings had caused her to doubt and wonder if she was even on the right course

But Today...
She saw a sign
that reminded her
she was on the right train,
That her conductor was Jesus and that He was taking her the route she had to travel.

All is peaceful now that she has seen the sign.  Relief and peace has washed over her

Jesus is a Very Present Help in times of trouble.   
Keep watching ... 

Praise His Name

The Knot

The Knot

Today in Prayer Meeting a Powerful Presence hovered over us all as we lifted many requests to His Throne

As one woman prayed and shared I saw a long chain stitch with a large KNOT at the end.  I knew by its size that it had been there for sometime.   As my friend prayed again for the family and all that was going on, I saw the knot loosen and come apart quickly.  Immediately the chain stitch began to unravel ..seemingly "suddenly".  

I felt the Holy Spirit say that a Work had been done and accomplished and that we could expect to see a string of supernatural events in our near future.

God is at work
Many are praying and believing
Many are taking their stance

Friend don't lose heart
He has heard and He has answered.
God knows and His timing is impeccable

Praising God


Monday, March 11, 2019

Stay the course

I must remember I am not my own
I have been bought with a Price
I have no say...only to obey

I have been in an interesting spot the past few years.
Ive been given a "post" seemingly just to "hold ground"

So many ideas,
So frustrating at times,
My hands are idle
My mouth is silent
My time is simply spent..

I go before my Commander and chief
He looks up as if to say "why are you here?"
Marnie you know you will hear Me when I call
You will be called when its time

but not before 

I think of it as being sent onto a foreign field
no one has asked me for my opinion
I signed up and
I just follow instruction,

There is a Board of Three that oversees my deployment
They are experts at what They do
They make no mistakes'
They watch intently and They send ground troops to occupy until They say otherwise,

Sometimes I see glimpses of the enemy
but more often than not what I perceive is complacency.
It's scary knowing there is an enemy lurking not far away

Yet again Ive been given no orders to "do" anything..
just occupy

So I grow in submissiveness
in perseverance
in being faithful

I must not become one of the civilians that
I serve

As an ambassador of sorts 
I pray
I encourage
I counsel only when Im asked

So friends
Its not about what WERE DOING
Its about

How you doing?

Friday, February 22, 2019

Holding Hands with the Almighty

Why would I ever want to run ahead?
Why would I ever want to lag behind?
Why would I ever wander?

Why would I ever let go?

Have I learned anything by walking on my own way?

Can I remember the confusion?
Do I recall the unsettled feelings?
Was it worth it? 

Was it a waste of time?   
Did I really go anywhere?
Did it further me on My Journey Home?

I wonder how much of my experienced pain and agony in life 
was simply because I let go of His hand!

Straining Against the Bit

In the Scriptures today I found a verse that I have not thought of in a while

Psalm 32:9
Be not like the horse or the mule, which lack understanding, which must have their mouths held firm with a bit and bridle, or else they will not come with you.

I remember my early years as a Christian, when I first began to hear His voice.  I remember "straining against the bit" wanting my own way over the Lords.

Today it makes me sad that I resisted like that.  Sad because I wasted so much time and energy struggling to have my own way and also sad that I could spurn such a Good Good Father;  God who has been always faithful, a constant companion, a wonderful Husband and Captain of my life.

He and I have talked about this.
He's been able to remove the reigns from my head as I have learned that there is NO BETTER WAY to go!
Where He leads me I will follow

Stop Look and Listen

Today some friends were talking about how to make Godly decisions and how to "hear" the Holy Spirit's voice.

I saw a picture

I was walking with a child and came to a street, it was busy and we needed to cross.  
I got down on eye level with this young one and said; 
"this is important...Look at me.  
We never run into the street, even if it's not busy.  
We must ALWAYS.... 

Friend are you wondering what your next "step' is?
stop look and listen!

He will tell you!
You will hear!

Stop in your tracks.....There is never anything so urgent that we cannot stop!
Pull yourself away and intentionally 

Spend sometime in the Word.  
If you're not sure ask a friend or google a topic!

and then 

Seek counsel.  Proverbs 15:22
Don't be embarrassed or proud.

These are the disciplines and ways of those that walk successfully with God.  
They do what ALL MUST DO!


The Sweet Holy Spirit

While sitting in Bible Study this morning some questions were raised about this Person in the Godhead. 
As I recall the first 10 years of my christian life seemed Holy Spirit void.  
Is that possible? 
Just because I don't bring recognition to Him does that negate His Existence?
In John 14:26 Jesus is referring to the Holy Spirit Who would present Himself after Jesus' resurrection, "but the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My Name"

A picture came to my mind this morning as I sat in study.  
I saw 3 seats.  
God sat in the first, Jesus the second and the Holy Spirit the third.
I pictured myself going before them in prayer. 

I recognized God as my Husband. [Isaiah 54:5]
I brought my request directly to Him.  
Jesus listened intently and, leaning into The Father  began to speak on my behalf as my Advocate and Defender. 
 It was wonderful to feel so taken care of.  

The Holy Spirit sat quietly staring at me, waiting to be recognized.  
I could tell He had something to say to me but He waited and did not interfere.  
His steady gaze followed me with deep compassion written on His face.  
I felt His desire to speak.  
"Holy Spirit"?  I said.  
He stood up and came to me and wrapping His Arms around me in a gentle comforting hug, He began to whisper in my ear.  
He counseled me.
 He comforted me.  
He imparted Wisdom.
He gave me ideas as to where to go, who to see, what to say.

As I listened I knew it was my decision as always.  
I could heed or continue on my way "leaning to my own understanding" Proverbs 3:5
I have to admit though, I felt a supernatural tug to follow HIs Instruction!
I leaned in to His equipping.  
I spent some time in His embrace and did not try to hurry what He was doing and saying.

He promised to walk with me through my troubles and travels.
He said He'd even help my memory recall His words!
I invited Him to be my Constant Companion and asked to be accountable to Him.  
He promised to help me, convict me and guide me if I trusted Him .  

Be assured His ways are always  flavored with the Fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5:22-23

So my friend,  Look to the Left and Don't leave Him out!  Jesus sent Him INTENTIONALLY for YOU!

John 14: 15-27
John 16: 5-15
Romans 8:1-17
Galatians 5:16-26