Thursday, March 5, 2020

The couch

" befriend your problems,.... you can even give persistent problems nicknames, helping you to approach them with familiarity rather than dread" Jesus Calling

This made me smile as the memory of a coach surfaced.
When removing a ratty old couch from the house I asked my boys to put it by the side of the road, in case someone wanted never know!

I began trying to make a plan to get it to the landfill. Call after call, person after person......
 dead end......FOR WEEKS!!
My couch continue  to set by the road, rain, sleet, and sunshine.
I massaged my ego, not to take it personally.

I would drive in or out of the driveway and say,
"Nice couch Lord!! Maybe I should put a tea cup on it with a sign to Come in and rest!"
"Hey Lord I see you still have that couch! And I would always end with..."I'm trusting You Husband of take care of this.

The couch was now water logged and it would need effort to move it

One late fall day while putting the gardens to bed, Kendall and Euni were stacking wood when Kendall ran to me and said "mom, you want that couch gone right? (I guess she'd forgotten and it had become just a part of our scenery!) 

She ran back to where she had come from and then a few minutes later came to tell me she had "entertained angels!"

Mom, two gorgeous preppy young men in a brand new van drove by and waved, but up the street they stopped and backed up
He rolled down his window and asked "are you getting rid of this couch?"
After the affirmative reply the two
Got out of the van
Flipped it like a feather into their van 
Waved and drove away
"Mom I think they were angels!"
Who would ever want that couch?

I smiled
My husband is so wonderful...sometimes it seems to take Him a while but His ways are so much better than mine

Thank You Lord for sending Your Men❤️❤️❤️


Last night I had a disturbing dream. 
 I found myself 
in situation after situation 
where "Things" were being "held against me" 
and I Felt I Had done nothing wrong.

In one scene
 I was at a retreat with women
 and everywhere I went I was "overlooked"
 even my mom could not see my distress. 
I had sat in a group of people 
where I confronted some relatives about words 
they had spoken about me 
while I was caring for mom. 
 In every situation... 
 I could not be HEARD 
 I was distraught and SO frustrated! 

 When I awoke 
I tried to pray about it 
as I muddled through the feelings left behind 
 "But I did nothing wrong! 
 "Why is this all happening to me?
 Jesus what are You trying to say? 
 Immediately I saw Him before Pilate 
all evil was being hurled at Him 
from every side 
Yet He remained silent. 
He had nothing to prove or gain 
by trying to protect His reputation. 

Father You sent Your Son 
to bear a punishment 
for something He didn't do . 
He took our place without screaming or whining 
about His rights. 
In Hebrews it's said that He laid them down 
taking on a form of a servant

I too am not my own
Ive been bought with a Price

Father who do I have to impress?
Who do I answer to in the end?
Help me Lord....
I once again give this issue of "my rights" 
to YOU
You alone are mighty to save!

Monday, March 2, 2020

The Splinter

The Splinter

A few weeks ago while filling the wood stove, 
I got a Splinter in the palm of my hand 
right under my right index finger.  

I couldn't see anything but a small speck 
 after I detached my hand from the log.  
Soon my finger swelled,
 the area became red and was very sore. 
I started to get concerned. I could not use my hand at all!
 I'm not one to rush to the Drs 
and after praying numerous times, 
showing a friend, calling another,
 I decided to soak my hand in warm Epsom salts and see what would happen.

My hand remained swollen for almost a week
I continued to soak. And prode. And "favor" it.
One day as I was pushing around the area
 a Large Piece of wood "popped"out of the wound. 
WOW! It looked huge!**
The wound continued to fester

I continued my regime of favor, probe, and disinfectant 
And even though the area seemed decidedly better, 
My hand was still very sensitive and I had to be gentle even when applying lotion to my dry hands

Why did it still hurt??
2 full weeks into this
 I was driving to an errand when I pushed gently on the spot
 (it was very hard to leave it alone)
Immediately I saw out of the corner of my eye (I was driving) something literally "fly" out of the spot!
I knew IMMEDIATELY it was another Splinter and I also knew it was the last
Seeminginly immediatlely
My hand felt different
The infection stopped building
The sore grew smaller and smaller
It did not hurt to the touch!!

I have had many "splinters" in my life
In the natural the norm is that they will cause infection to build that will eventually "erupt" pushing the Splinter out.....
So interesting.
I've seen it in the natural and I've seen it in the Spiritual
Many people are carrying splinters
They are infected, touchy and often out of sorts as they try to protect the area

Pray for them
Give them time
Ask the Lord to allow the infection to erupt
That the wound could be healed.
Be available and sensitive...carry the Balm of His Healing
And be there....

It's time to stop being so self absorbed that we are blind to the world around us
We are His Hands
We are His feet

ps. another observation I made was when the first splinter erupted it was Huge!  After being out of my flesh ,in a very short while, it shrunk down to size.  The infection amplified its size and blew it out of proportion.  chew on that thought for a while.