Saturday, October 20, 2012


Tonite mom and I watched a weather channel special about a woman who got trapped in a snow cave while out running..... After many hours and at least 10 "coincidences"  she was found and is now alive and totally well.

You and I know better don't we?   We know that our Lord and Savior is intimately involved with and in our lives ~ and like I told Kendall years ago ~  You can never be lost cause God ALWAYS knows right where you are.

What a comfort.  

Do you have panic under control?  How about worry and stress?  Remember it is not God's will for you to have those traits active in your life    Christ dies so that you could be free of them!!  He is now taking care of all the details~!  

When things look dark and uncertain, remember, that is OUR view,  God's is different....He knows and sees the end from the beginning.  Rest dear in His great love and provision!

What a wonderful Savior~

I continue to ask for prayer concerning a computer    This one has frozen 4 times during this writing....
but then wasn't 5 times or more~!   Praise the Lord!


  1. Woke up early and have had an incredible time with the Lord. God spoke to me first through your email.
    Blessings, Leslie

  2. Needed this reminder yet again..thanks..alice
