Tuesday, October 27, 2020

How are you?


Are you feeling confident?

 At peace?


Are you prepared

 for the changes

 the next season may bring?

Are you Unwavering 


hiding under the bed?

What's coming out of your mouth?

Your actions?

Seems that wherever you go these days

someone is taking your temperature

Well so am I

I care

and the Lord longs to have you 


to greater lengths than ever before


Nostalgia #2

 Last month I wrote a piece on Nostalgia.

 The gist was that we needed to make decisions

 abut our stuff and move forward


 Id like to speak about Nostalgia

 in regards to our memories, past lives and relationships 

that have become somewhat of a Hallmark movie in our minds.

We long for the past

when everything was PERFECT*

when the Lord was moving mightily

when so in so was pastor or

I lived at such and such

or I was 75 lbs lighter 

etc etc


the Lord wants us to move FORWARD

There is NO CHANGING the past

Today is NEW 

and we have the ability to 


make better decisions

and start afresh and anew.

Let your memories be memories.

Don't let them rule or rob you 

from moving forward.

You do not offend anyone

 from the past 

by shutting a book

ending a chapter 


beginning again.

Think it through

Talk it through

and get on board with the





Live in the 


Onward Christian Soldier 


* or when things were terrible and horrible

those situations that we have not been able to 

Get Over

Friend its time to move forward 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Who Do You Run With

 Today in church someone posed this question

Who do your run with?  Who is your tribe?

Those are valid questions and worth pondering.

Those that we hang with are our tribe and we all will most likely have common traits

Ive heard said "if you sleep with dogs you'll likely have fleas"

Now this is not judgmental ...but wise saying.

It has nothing to do with status but more to do with character.

Choose your friends carefully. When the kids were growing up we spoke about this a lot.  If it looked like my children were being affected (infected) more by others than the other way around...we would pull back and often change friends.  It's how we teach.  Organic is good but there is still work to be done. 

Take sometime this week and think this through.  How would you title your group of friends/family

Drama club, Mickey Mouse Club,  Peyton Place, Women of Grace. Family of_______

comedy club etc etc 

If needed do some adjusting. Take it to the Lord and ask for HIs wisdom and guidance and He will show you what needs to be done

Stay Focused

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Are You Leaking

I got a letter form the Utility Department 

the other day suggesting

 that I had a slow leak in my water system.  

The letter went on to say it might be close to negligible 

 and I might have to look deeper to find it.

Got me thinking!

Am I leaking?

Are there things coming out of my mouth 

that are not pleasing to God?

Are you as full on Wednesday as you are on Sunday?

How come?  

You must be LEAKING!

Do I tend to speak negatively?

Does my anger rear its ugly head too often?

DO I gossip, 

swear or act in a way 

that is not becoming to my "Station"of the Daughter of the King? 

This week

check for leaks. 

 bring a friend along side, 

ask the Gentle Holy Spirit

 to bring it to your attention. 

Repent over and over until the leak stops!

You can do it 

and find yourself BRIMMING

 like Stpehen was in the presence of his enemies!!

The Plumber is waiting for a call!

"Does it Count?"

 Leaving for Prayer meeting the other night, 

 a young catholic girl said to me "oh does it count?"

It put smile on my face.

I had many Catholic friends growing up.

If they went to church Sat night

 or some other time

 it "often counted" 

which meant they did not have to attend church Sunday morning.

It got me thinking about my relationship 

with my Husband Jesus, 

my Savior.

First I thought about when Ive had a commitment

 to call someone 

and after texting them and checking in on them

 I felt "off the hook" for the rest of the day,

 my commitment being done.

But then again 

there's the relationship of a lover, 

a fiancĂ©, 

a possible deeper relationship.

Maybe it's a first date

 that ended nicely 

and with a promise of keeping in touch.

A text in the morning, 

expressing further interest 

sets a spark smoldering.  

You find yourself waiting for more

 and wondering if and when 

there will be more communication.

That text in the morning

simply does not suffice.  

In fact I answer right back

 hoping that it will be replied to !



Someone has "caught my eye!"

In fact I'm having trouble concentrating!!

Well my friend 

that's exactly what a RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS is like!

When you come to REALLY KNOW HIM

when you've given your life to Him

 and asked Him to take control,

that relationship begins to grow.  

It moves from "counting"

 to not being able to get enough!

How about you?

Has your relationship with Jesus developed into something

 that has your attention all day long?

He's counting on YOU!!


The Word on the Street

 Lately I've been hearing a lot about Joshua and Cleb

You know them Right?

The two men 

who were part of the group

 that went in to get the lay out 

and scope of the Promise Land

Joshua 1-24

SO why were they singled out?

BECAUSE they looked PAST the giants, 

the tall walls and fortresses 

and saw through faith 

the Land God was Promising them!

In that group of men 

they were the ONLY TWO 

who came back with a Good Report!


Do you trust the Lord?

Do you believe He has the best for you 

and that HE guides, 

provides and protects 

you as you follow His ways?


Do you begin to argue, debate, hedge 

or play devils advocate?

Do you play the roll of the realist 

who speaks through his carnality?

Think about that for a minute

answer the question 

Who do you represent in this story?

the Ones who came back scared 

or the Ones full of faith and expectancy


Take this up with God

 if the answer is anything but #2

 you need a blood transfusion....a heart check ...to be prayed for....

Cause you either believe Him or you don't.

Don't leave this page before doing a self inspection
