Sunday, May 6, 2012

Up Against a Wall

I needed this song's reminder.

I have had a week-end of extended family strife.  I am sad to say I spent some time "reacting" at  first.  I felt hurt to the quick.  Sharp stinging words spurred on by 2nd and 3rd person hear-say found their target and wounded me.  
I taste this sort of thing rarely  ~ yet my Savior lived this out daily in his adult life.   He did not react.  In fact on the cross He said "Father forgive them for they don't know what they are doing"

I pray that the Lord does this lasting work in me.  I do not wish to be a reactor but a responder.  I do not want to be a person who is shook by words.  I have searched my heart and have found nothing but have simply been the "catcher"    

I lay down my mitt.  I will "catch" no more.  I will let the Lord fight this battle for I know it is not really with flesh and blood.   


In His Sufficient Grace


  1. Thank you for writing this...

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I need to learn how to do this.


  4. Trying to be up front and very clear about what I need from her i have been mean and nasty and very direct. Was convicted a week ago. I stopped reacting to her.....things i can change....and just respond to her in a gentle way...and everything is going much better. L.R.

  5. Wow! I’m so sorry you had to go through this with family but glad you found the victory in the endJ I’ve noticed I struggle also with attempting to defend my positions…..many times only in my mind which is nonetheless (or even more so) disturbing.

  6. Good morning, Marni
    Praying for you today that you will bathe in His peace, that you will allow your shepherd to anoint your head with healing oil. He loves each one in your family and will do a mighty work. Yes, it is a spiritual battle.
    love you

  7. Oh Marnie, I'm sorry you had to go through that. My spiritual advisor told me to say to myself - I'm made of teflon and I will not internalize or be traumatized by those words! It takes action, thought, choosing. I'm reading So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore - that's helping me too!
    Love you, Joann

  8. This is such a good reminder that this is the place God wants all of His dear children. I echo your words.....I pray that the Lord does this lasting work in me. Thank you dear friend, for this timeless message. Love, Pat

  9. .......I am writing this to tell you how much your guidance to the Scriptures helped me. I could go on and on with details but not now.
    Thank you, Marnie.
    I love you and appreciate you.
