Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sounds Like a Loop Hole To Me!

I have a friend (at least one) who, in serious conversations, often says; "Well, no body's perfect"

You know I think that that goes with out saying.

BUT ~ It also sounds like a loop hole to me as well.
In other case I fail (which I expect), I have a hole to crawl through that appeases my sense of guilt.

Christ died so that we could have Freedom!   

If you do not walk in freedom you need to do some business with the Lord. 
 Galatians 5:1
"Christ has freed us so that we may enjoy the benefits of freedom.  Therefore be firm in this freedom and  do not let yourself be enslaved again."

The Word promises that His strength is enough.  That it will be made perfect in our weakness.    It says that He will always  make a way of escape for us and that if we resist the enemy he will flee.

So beloved,  if you struggle, find a mentor, friend or pastor and do some work in prayer and resolve.  Then go get the thread and sew the "hole" up with a patch that says "It is Finished!"


1 comment:

  1. Hey Marnie,
    That’s a good word. Thanks for sharing.
    God Bless,
    Pastor Steve
