Thursday, February 9, 2012

Going with the Flow

How easy is it for your day or schedule to get out of whack?
How do you respond/react when things do not go as planned?
Do you see yourself as a flexible or rigid person?

The Lord wants us to hold onto His peace.  Peace is only stolen when our eyes are off of God and on our circumstances etc.   Anxiety and worry simply show lack of trust and doubt that God is Who He says He is.
Peace is our "barometer"

If there is even a scrid of evidence that this may be you, take it up with Him today.  Ask Him to give you the Grace and ability to trust Him more, choosing to believe what He says.

I'm praying for you.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Marnie for your daily e-mails-they are such a Blessing to me,

    I loved the words - "ask God to give me the Grace and ability to trust Him more"

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    God Bless You,

