Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Taking Direction

I'm working at a LARGE party.  Jesus is the host.  Thousands of people mill around fellowshipping and having a good time. I stand with a large group of servants against the back wall...watching.... JESUS.  Oh yes, it would surely be tempting to join in on the fun but it is not what I'm there for.  I am there to serve....Jesus. 

I stand ready, alert watching for His eyes to join mine and then it happens.  He makes eye-contact and then nods over to the left.  I know His signals as I have been "working" for Him for some time.  I look in the direction and see a table that needs to be cleared.  I quickly and efficiently go about my job.  In short time my task in done.
BUT there is a problem. as I was clearing I notice that there is  food that has fallen around and under the table..THIS IS NOT GOOD!  This is the Master's party!!   
My brain races overtime....I know exactly what needs to be done.  I quickly deposit the items in my hands to the kitchen and then go quickly to the closet to grab the vacuum.  This will be cleaned up in no time.  

As I drag the vacuum through the crowd, excusing myself along the way,  I then turn on the motor to make short work of the mess.  The room begins to silence and I realize I am being watched.  Jesus has my eye once more and makes it known to me that "this is not the time"

A little frazzled and embarrassed I quickly retrace my steps and soon am standing back in my place against the wall,  where I continue to wait.

"I was only trying to help"  "I know exactly what needs to be done"  "A mess like that is an eyesore and should not be left"  These thoughts race through my mind.
I was wrong.  I had gone ahead of my Lord.  I had taken action that He had not directed.  I had assumed that if a little was good then more would be even better.

Nope ~  it's not the way it works.  Listen He will guide you, show you His ways.  But, please learn from me, only do what you have been directed to do.  No more and no less.  It is the way of a servant.


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