Wednesday, January 9, 2013

When Blessings Become Burdens

Mom became totally overwhelmed tonite when going through her many Christmas cards.  She cried as she asked me what she should do about all the people who were "trying to schedule her and get her to do things". 
"Mom what do you mean?"  She points to the cards and says   "all these dear friends, they want me to write back to them and I cant.  It's just too much."

After an hour of talking it through, with prayer, she settled down.   

I reminded her that ALL the cards were simply blessings.  
No one was expecting anything in return.   

Isn't it true that sometimes when God just wants to bless us we become overwhelmed with our own perspective on the situation.
We make more of "it" than it is.  We surmise, put our own personal spin on the situation and often just like mom we become overwhelmed because we think "we owe"

Beloved ~ you owe nothing ~ and if you did you would never be able to repay.  
God is Good.
He gives good things
He only waits for our love and obedience and while He is waiting He continues to love us and be Good.

Receive it, bask in His goodness    Let Him lavish His love on you!



  1. Hello
    Wow...good word....I am amazed at how my "people pleaser" still rears its ugly head, EVEN with my Savior. dianne

  2. oh, I needed this. thank you. jodi

  3. A precious moment! This is what I miss about working with the elderly.
    A good word! leslie
