I was talking to a young father on Sunday. When I asked how he and the family were doing he admitted to me that they had had a rough morning.
I shared with him a situation I had years ago when I told the Lord that I thought there was a demon behind my front door when I came home from church. The way to church and the way home was not a problem it simply was when I stepped into the house! Kids were starving, husband disappeared with the newspaper and I was faced with breakfast leftovers, a house in disarray and 13 hungry people! I would turn into a _______ (not sure how to describe it) and totally lose it.
Seeing this week after week, I finally talked to the Lord about it. He simply replied, "would you act the same if I were sitting at the dining room table?"
ONE SENTENCE. that was all!
Of course I would behave myself!
I urged this dad to call a family meeting to discuss Sundays with his wife and kids, I suggested he ask for forgiveness and and talk the issues out. I asked him to HUMBLE HIMSELF and the leader in the household.
I believe that Jesus loves to step onto the platform of humility. When we humble ourselves HE will come and enter into our situation. He has full sway then and nothing stands in His way
So whatever your situation, whether it be work, play, family, church, etc take the low road, humble yourself and get back in focus. Jesus will be sure to show up with all His majesty, comfort and grace. He will carry you and give you all that you need for the situation.
Remember you were bought with a price ..you are no longer your own...you belong to God. Let Him have His way in you.
Humility: The Master Key anita P