Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mid-Day Snack

Today after Prayer Meeting, the ladies went for lunch
 to the Bagel Shoppe.  
This is a ritual.

After eating, we sit around chatting and sharing.
 Mom said, "There is nothing like a muffin and a coffee in the middle of the day. Just a little bit of sweetness tastes so good"

The Scripture says: 
"Taste and see that the Lord is good!"
Psalm 34:8

So many have their scheduled "quiet time" with the Lord ~  this is all well and good ~ but do you realize that the Lord has something sweet for you all during the day?

As mom said "there's nothing like it"!
Our Pastor once said he was having his watch alarm go off every 15 minutes just to remind him of the Lord in the middle of his busy day

Take a break friend...you cannot afford NOT to!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED this one Marnie! I’m trying to remember the Lord more & more throughout my day. I realize He wants nothing less than a heart that needs Him & seeks Him constantly. jeannie
