Monday, July 16, 2012

Taking Back the Land

The Lord gave me the opportunity recently to return to a place that  had the potential of holding a lot of emotional, hurtful memories.   Out of the blue the invitation was given and I took it without too much thinking.  It was not until I packed my bags and arrived that certain memories began to flood back.

I was amazed 
#1 that they did not seem to have the power over me as they once had in the past.
#2  That I was equipped to take the "land" back.

Beloved, too often we let circumstances and situations, relationships and perhaps the lack there of to put a "stake" in our heart.   We make an altar of sorts that stands as a monument to our hurt, fear or anger

Now granted it has taken me many years to get to this place ~  but the important part is 


I made it ~ with the Grace of God the power of memories, situations and relationships did not own me.   
A couple of times I was flooded with thoughts but I found myself quickly taking them captive and just not "going there"   

We are "funny" people.  Sometimes we just want to feel the pain as if it validates our experience.
But when we do ~  it ruins us causing confusion, depression and sour feelings.

I urge you    Take your "life" back!   Do not be held captive by any negative thing or experience.  I understand that it will not happen over night BUT it can happen.  When we invite the Holy Spirit in to counsel, comfort and guide we will find a way out and He will take us to a spacious place
Ps 18:19 says   "He led me to a place of safety, He rescued me because He delights in me"

I love that!!
Let Him take you dear one.  With each memory simply hand it over to the One Who can heal you.  IT IS HIS WILL for your life.  He dies that we could live in freedom from these things!


If you would like to talk anything over and/or have some help with this process please feel free to contact me


  1. Diane Cocci sends me your posts once in a while..You seem like a very strong Christian. I feel very weak..I allow those hurts to hold on and not that I dont give them up..but I keep taking them back...over and over again..I enjoy hearing your blogs ..God bless..There is so much that God allows in our lives *past, present and future* that is so stressful and takes our joy ..and keeps ME in a life of hurt..not that I want but I must keep it..because it haunts me day after day at times..God bless.
    Patricia from Fredericton, NB, Canada

  2. Thank you Marnie! You are beautiful! anita p

  3. Hi Marni,
    Now that is very interesting. I just had a similar invite and I turned it down. I was waiting to see if I was working---Not. (more) A.C.

  4. 5 LORD, you alone are my portion and my cup;
    you make my lot secure.
    6 The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; sharon d
