Monday, July 23, 2012


"Nothing tastes better than Thin feels"

Have you ever heard that statement?

I have to say I think that I agree with it....

that is....

when I'm full, satisfied, the food is gone and my sweet tooth satiated.

I find that is when  "we" make these type of statements.
"We" tend to have ALL the answers ........then
We speak as experts ..........often.

BUT   when the rubber hits the road....
when its 10:30 pm and I'm in  loose PJ's and have a hankering
when the favorite show is on the same time as prayer meeting
when there just does not seem like there is time enough for devotions

that's often when we don't do so good

To succeed one must think it through, plan, be disciplined.
"We" must mean business, clean out the cupboards, stick to guidelines and have ready answers and thought out plans for impromptu situations. 

"My feeling are indicators, not dictators,"  Lyse Terkeurst  Someone just posted this quote on FB
Perfectly true!

Let's take a moment tomorrow (don't put it off ~ I'm talking to myself) and think it through.
What do you want to see changed in your life?  What needs an overhaul, where and when do you tend to just  cave in?

Let's stand together in those places, praying for each other, that we will have the discipline and fortitude this time to follow through and let the Lord help us to change

HE WILL ~ I promise ~

The Word says:  2 Chronicles 16:9
"For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that HE may strongly support those whose heart is completely His"


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