Sunday, March 18, 2012

Shred the Resume

Did you realize that God is not really interested in what you can do?
He is not concerned whether you are equipped for the calling.

Basically He wants it to begin and end with Him.

He is not impressed with our resume.   We have all read Paul's recounting in  Philippians 3:8   where he says he counts everything "worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ.  For His sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ."

Paul, one of the most learned men,  scholar among scholars,  said he threw it all away so that he could know the Lord.

Bottom line is our "stuff" gets in the way much of the time.  We tend to think we know better.  We implement ideas and start ministries that God has neither ordained or wanted.  We run, plan, and start stuff, many times just to be doing something.

Beloved RELAX.   
Take a break and look at your plate.  What's on it?  Stuff that you took on or things that the Lord gave you to do.  He truly wants to be that intimate with you.  He wants to direct your ways and open and shut doors for you.  He wants to be in charge!  Come before Him and sort it all out.  HE WILL direct and guide you if you come with a sincere, repentant heart.

Let Him!!   There is no need to fear..remember HE MADE YOU!
and He who began a good work will be faithful to bring it to completion!



  1. Amen Marnie :)
    "Shredding the resume" is a timely word. I love it, thank you for sharing these "musings" with me.
    Much love,

  2. Thanks, Marnie, I needed to hear this today!

    C. Louise Bombara
