Monday, March 19, 2012

A Little Maggot

I received a call the other morning.  A friend was upset with me and felt I had overstepped a boundary.  I took it to heart, asked for forgiveness and prayed with her .  The conversation ended on a good note.

Later in the day, something began to squirm a little inside of me.  I began to hear echos of condemnation.  Then I found myself thinking that I really had not been "wrong" and  felt falsely accused .  All  afternoon I contended with this "worm"   This maggot that had squirmed its way in to my being, trying to unsettle me, to stir things up.

We need to be fully aware of this. 
"It"  is contagious and like cancer will not be satisfied until it has "chewed" up every ounce of peace we have.  
It can leave one confused. hurt and self conscious.  It will steal well being and cause suspicion.  
Whether it is our enemy or our flesh really does not matter.  It is determined to steal our joy and keep things "stirred up".  

Resist the devil and he will flee.  Don't pass this off as indigestion, stress or lack of rest.  Resist and continue to lay it at His feet.  

The situation had been dealt with in the morning.  Said and Done.

History ~  now on to walking in obedience!



  1. Thanks Marnie. I've been through that experience and with the same results too. The Devil love to play games with our mind and thought life. But refusing to let him gain entrance, is the only safe answer. Bless you for your pearls of wisdom.

  2. Good word as usual! Thank you Marnie! Anita Perry

  3. Marnie,
    That is a particular good one. Thanks,

  4. EXCELLENT ECOURAGEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bless you, my dear friend,
    Mary Ann
