Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Loving the Unlovely

My daughter shared tonite about some of the happenings during her trip to Brazil.  Over and over the theme was that the Lord loves differently than we do.  HE does not wait till everything is perfect and clean, till we have repented and turned away from our sin...

The scripture says that He loved us even while we were yet sinners.

We tend to have a hard time with that.  Oh yes we are certainly glad that He reached out to us in our mess but we all too often forget that when it comes to us having to forgive someone.  All of a sudden our past was just not as bad as theirs. 

Father please forgive us.  Give us the same grace and mercy that You shared with  us as we walk these dusty roads.  Teach us to love like YOU love!



  1. "Only the LORD forgets sin. Only God can take it and send it as far away as the east is from the west. Man remembers. Man recounts. Man condemns." Francine Rivers - Unspoken (Lineage of Grace)

    How true this is, but how I wish it wasn't! God's mercy reveals my lack of mercy. I am praying for God's help - daily! Thank you for your blog!

  2. Your very welcome Elaine. The Lord is getting clearer and clearer to me about this message. I LOVE Francine Rivers!! Thank you so much for commenting and your encouragement!
