Thursday, August 25, 2011

Brazil #2

She sits behind the door that is opened only a crack.  She waits for the next "client"   She must make money to provide for her children a 30 hour bus ride away.  She comes for 2 weeks, "works", and then returns home to be a homemaker.  Life is hard...She "works"

She hears noises outside of her small, confined closet of a room.  It is not unusual as men walk in a steady stream pass the door.  Some stop in.

Today is different.  A girl's voice,  some laughter and then with a knock her door pushes open.  There standing, with hands full, is the local pastor.  He holds a birthday cake and a few gifts.  His wife and a few others accompany him.  They are here to celebrate her!   She scurries for a few more clothes to put on and with wide smile relishes the pure love and attention.
The "guests" sit on her bed, once defiled, but now sanctified by HIS presence and then other girls push into the room to sing and celebrate their co-worker.

A glimpse of  hope, compassion, pure love  
Is it possible that there is a way out of this
That there is more?
A seed is sown

This is how Jesus loves

Father we lifts these girls to you, caught in the lack and the need for provision.  Using what does not "cost" them anything.  Protect them Father and pull them out one by one.  Prosper the ways of this pastor and family who determine to be Your hands, feet and family to the ones called "unclean"
You love like no other

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