Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Current

Today in prayer I was asking The Lord to pour into me His ways..I don't want to argue, be stubborn or prideful....I just want to obey.
I got a picture of a river current and my desire was to just get into the center of the stream and be carried .  When you are carried it is an effortless ride.  

In the past  I tried to swim against the current. Often simply because I was reacting,  felt I had a better idea or just was obstinate.
I must say I do not miss those days!     My experience of swimming against the stream rendered muddy, murky water,  it was exhausting and my vision was skewed ~  Off tract

I gave up a long time ago....Jesus is now in the driver's seat

Beloved put it all down.  Step off the bank and get in the river~ He wants to carry you . He knows His plan and will carry it out.  Don't confuse the process. Give up!  Relax. 

There are so many things I don't understand. But it's ok. I have a Savior that I can trust.



  1. Thank you so much for this message.
    Have a peace filled weekend.

  2. Thanks for the encouragement in this article. Very timely for me. Surrender is truly the key to resting in God. Sometimes easier said than done. But thank God for His Grace.

  3. Good I sit here in my "new living room" this morning the Lord reminded me of tubing in college. We never doubted that once we got on those tubes the river would take us right to the place where the cars were parked. We never concerned ourselves with whether we would arrive at the appointed destination. Although in this life we are not sure of the stops along the way for times of joy or struggle....the appointed destination is a given!!! Repeating what you said, I know, but just sharing where the Lord took me with your thoughts.
