Sunday, March 10, 2013


"You must listen to each other if you're going to sing a chord".  This is a quote by the "would be " nun, W. Goldberg in the wonderful movie, Sister Act.

There is so much discord in the world.  Even as I write this, mom and I watch "The Bible" and she keeps mentioning what a harsh and bloody time that was in history.  

I'm sad to say there has never been a time on this earth that some people group somewhere were not experiencing bloodshed and cruelty of some kind.  It began in the Garden and has only gotten worse as the populace has increased.

But then...

Jesus came.
For 33 years He made His mark on our history and on the hearts of mankind.

He was killed on a cross and buried

He rose again and appeared to the "church"
He went to Heaven leaving Behind the Sweet Holy Spirit .

Today we live under a new law, we have been given Promises to aid us in this hard life.  Promises and the Power of the Holy Spirit that assure God's people a life of rest and peace** (for those that believe)
Hence the body of Christ should live in harmony.  
The absence of discord should be one of the very earmarks of Christ's Bride.  
Would you say that is your experience?

I'm sad to say it is not the norm, albeit no fault of God.

Friend it's time to start "singing" your part.  "You don't sing", you say?    

Start by humming.

Ask the Lord if there is anyone you do not harmonize with....Is there someone you need to listen to, forgive, ask forgiveness from?
People it's for the cause of Christ and His's the Father's heart that none should perish...

Think about it


** if it is not your experience as a Christian to live in His Peace and Rest  ~ friend it is your inheritance.   Call me and we can talk and pray about it!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome devotion Marnie!! Thank you for enlightening my walk with Jesus! Susy
