Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Holding a Grudge

Today a I friend said, "she's holding a grouch against me"

I love words.

You and I both realize that she meant grudge...but then again, I truly believe that holding a grudge WILL indeed turn you into a Grouch!

A Grouch is a habitually grumpy person, who grumbles in an ill tempered manner.

What right does a Believer have to be a grouch?
If that question irritates you perhaps you need to sit down and take a look at your heart/life.

Friend...we have NO right to be downcast, angry, depressed etc etc
Jesus has the Power to right every wrong.  He would like to change your heart and face.  Believe me people will notice!

Lord I pray You will change the countenance of Your church.  Make us contagious with JOY!! Let us spread the Good News with our whole being!  Forgive us for being grumpy, for holding grudges and for all round  being ill mannered.   Create in us a clean heart oh God and renew a right Spirit within us


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