Monday, August 20, 2012


Person #1
"I need to admit something.....I have a tendency to abuse the use of wine.  It starts out with a glass in the evening and often becomes a whole bottle"

Admittance is HUGE.     When we recognise our frailty, our shortcomings, our addictions, it is the first step to freedom

Person #2
"I hear you.... I too have something I'm struggling with; late night eating.  I reward myself when I'm sitting at the computer.  This has nothing to do with hunger but all to do with indulgence, lack of self control and discipline"

One confession cracks open the door for another

Person #2
"I have decided to not eat past dinner...period.   When I am tempted I will pray for YOU!   How can I expect you to have any success if I am not able to myself?  God is BIG enough to help us both!  Remember in our weakness HE will show HIS strength.   IT IS POSSIBLE to overcome these stumbling blocks!"

We text, call, leave messages...reminding each other that we are not alone, someone cares and is praying.  There is someone on the same road that I am on and I can resolve to be strong for them.....

This is an example of accountability!

Let me pray with you...

Lord I bring __________ before Your throne.  Lord we need Your strength, Your help.   We long to serve You with our lives and be in control of our bodies rather than be controlled by them.
We wait Lord,  We believe Lord,  We know Lord that with You all things are possible!
Have Your way in us I pray!



  1. Wow!!!!!!
    Great piece on accountability.
    Great presentation and "user friendly" tangible example.
    Appreciate your gifts.

  2. Thank you for the praying for me, I will pray for you. anna

    "Obedience is the atmosphere of Heaven".
    Alan Vincent

  3. Hebrews 10:25. "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching." That Day is coming quickly and we need each other desperately." Dotti
