Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sweet Hour of Prayer

Are you kidding me?  
An hour????   

Friend are you finding your prayer time a drudgery?  Are you having a hard time mustering up a few minutes to spend with the Lord, never mind and hour?

Check your gauge.   

I remember those days when God seemed so far away and so hard to reach.  The Scripture says Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8      

It begins with discipline.  Just a little at a time.  Be sure not to make it so stringent that you will immediately fail.  

Before you get in bed, kneel for a moment or two and tell the Lord you love Him,  thank Him for your life.  Present your cares to Him.  Praise Him for answering.

He is faithful and LOVES it when His children come!   Just sit with Him for a while ~ you will never be the same.  

Remember He gave His life for you!   

I would love you to post a comment as to your thoughts about your prayer life.



  1. Ah, sweet prayer! It takes small steps and one day you find that you are talking (and hopefully listening) to Him all the time. It's a blessed journey. My time begins with reading a Bible chapter each day and writing an outline along with my thoughts and comments in my journal. I've read the Bible through and through for years and He speaks to me with something new all the time. On my drive to work, I praise Him for His creation, share my problems although He is aware and feel His presence on occasions which is awesome! Once I enter the 'lion's den' at work I need Him each challenging moment. This is still a work in progress. Thank you, Marnie, for allowing me to share. God bless! Pat

  2. Hi Marni,
    I will share a couple thoughts about prayer.
    There is nothing sweeter than the time we spend with our Lord. I have found it "challenging" to sit and wait and pray. The times I have been able to do that have been times of immense pain and struggle within my life. However, I have developed a prayer walk. And I now walk the dog and have this time of prayer with our Father. I know He understands because I have heard His voice during these times.
    Also, I hate for this special, privileged time to be turned into a time of guilt, There are seasons of our lives that are so frantic that we can barely find 10 minutes to be still. Especially the season of having pre-school children at home. And then, there is the daily ongoing dialog that goes on with our heavenly Father as we do our various tasks of the day. He does graciously speak into those days.
    And for those of us that have ongoing tasks and responsibilities, there just seems so much to remember. I have found it useful to keep my list nearby and write down what I need to remember and then continue with my time of prayer. Otherwise, I keep working not to forget that task, and miss the time with God.
    Just some thoughts on prayer. Miss you dear sister!
