Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Vision

Years ago I had a vision of a bird's eye view of a large territory.  I saw family groups of all sizes, shapes and relationships.  It appeared to be in a very poor country as not only were the people in masses but also most looked malnourished and hopeless.
I asked the Lord why the people were so "wanting" and what was HE going to do.  I then saw a dove fly down from the sky and land on one family unit.  Immediately a spring sprung up, grass grew and health returned to the family.
I know that the dove represents the Holy Spirit and I believe that the Lord was telling me that the status of these people was tied up in who or what they served and that once a family did accept His free gift of His son things began to turn around.

The world is in desperate need in many places.  People are dying from malnutrition. How can this be happening in the 21st century?

In Amos 4 over and over verses end with  "Yet you did not return to Me"
The Lord allowed "lack of bread", drought, blights on the crops and wars all in the hopes of turning His peoples eyes back on Him.

He made us, we are His yet He has left us with a choice to serve Him or our selves.
Who do you serve today?  Please join me as we pray for the people groups around the world that are so needy at this time so that their eyes would be open and that "they would turn back to HIM!


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