Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Offensive non-believer

I have often wondered about this phrase and find it interesting to see how many Christians are offended and/or intimidated by their unchurched neighbor, work partner, family member etc. 

Why do we get nervous in their presence?  Are we worried that their ways  will rub off on us? Why is our patience level so low?  Do we feel the need to enter a debate each and every time we talk with them or try to "wow" them with our new found "righteousness"?

People!   They were us!!!   We were them!!  
There simply should be no problem here.  
If we are secure in our salvation we certainly don't need to worry that we will "catch" something.  
They  simply are in need of a Savior! The Lord loves them!   "They" are one step away from becoming "us"!   What good news!!

If you were miraculously cured of cancer, I dare say that  you would be speaking about the remedy to everyone you would meet..  

Christ died for us.....WHILE WE WERE SINNERS!    

Today...let's try just being neighborly and loving people to the Lord!!


  1. Glad you wrote this. It's difficult to work every day with people who's language consist of "F this and F that " in every sentence. These are not
    teenagers. These are doctors. Sigh. I prayed for this job :) LOL !!!! Now I'm praying for the patience and the patients ! I know He put me here for a reason and to be a light in a dark place. I listen to Chuck Swindoll every morning on my way into work as a gentle reminder and it's so refreshing :) ! I'm so happy that in this tragic world I have Jesus to put my hope and trust in !!!!
    Hugs to you !!
