Sunday, December 16, 2012

Jesus ~ There Is No Other!

Tonite I narrated for the church Christmas Musical.  Here are some of the words that were read from 
"Love Came Down"

Jesus ~ There is no other

There have been imposters and imitators,
charlatans and fakers,
those claiming to possess the secret for access to the divine
or claiming divinity itself.

But Jesus    there is no other

The only son of God 
the only begotten of the Father;
the Word became flesh

The King who became a servant;
the Creator who became the created;
the immortal in human form

Jesus there is no other

He’s the essence of majesty
and the very source of beauty 
Unrivaled in power and unparalleled in authority

An undeniable Sustainer and an unimaginable Savior

Jesus there is no other

Through Him, God is visible and sin is forgivable
Suffering becomes Endurable and heaven becomes attainable

He’s security in a broken world 
victory for a defeated race 
purity for our dismal past
and glory for our promised future 

Jesus there is no other

Only Jesus is light for our darkness
liberty for our shackles
health and comfort
redemption and reconciliation

Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end

Author of salvation   the almighty   the amen

Our righteousness and salvation
the desire of all nations

Our faith's foundation
the sacrificed Lamb
the chief cornerstone
the great I AM

The Lion of Judah
the Scepter of Israel

Sun of Righteousness
Prince of Peace 
Anointed One   Christ the Messiah

He that was and is and is to come  
King of Kings and Lord of Lords

Jesus there is no other!!

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