Thursday, May 4, 2017

The Bickersons

This is a word I have not heard in a while :  BICKER
Yet in the past month I have heard it a handful of times.  The sad part is it almost always is used to describe communication in a marriage of "long standing". 

What does the Scripture say about bickering *?  Looking at the synonyms below I guess a lot.  The Israelite's likely took the award but there are many other verses in the New Testament where we are commanded to speak loving and life giving words to each other.

I imagine most people/couples just say "oh we know each other is just kidding"  "We don't mean anything by it"  'What? Bicker? we don't bicker!"

It's a problem.  No I mean IT'S A PROBLEM!

If you are a "bickerer" stop it!   
I know I'm meddling but as Thumper said, 
"If you can't say nothing nice ~ say nothing at all".

Brother and Sister,  If this applies take it to the Lord 
and ask for help.  
I doubt God  thinks it's funny.  
What it is is simply a bad habit that can be broken. 
Remember He is not finished with us 
until our last breath.  
So if the shoe fits wear it.  
See if anyone notices. 
(I'm going to watch myself more closely)
"Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart 
be acceptable to You Oh God" 
Psalm 19:14
  1. ˈbikər/
    1. 1.
      argue about petty and trivial matters.

      "whenever the phone rings, they bicker over who must answer it"

      synonyms:quarrelarguesquabblewranglefightdisagreedisputespar, have words, be at each other's throats, lock horns; 


  1. GUILTY! Nice to meet you, my name is MRS. BICKERSON. LOL
    This is something that has cropped up over the past many months.
    I have been very aware of it. your musing serve to convict me further. i, of course blame him, he blames me. OK who will stop then. I am responsible for my responses to whatever comes my way (even if it is a response that seems justified, it may not be right! Right?)

    Thanks for your words of wisdom Marnie.
    Miss you my friend!

  2. AMEN! This is definitely something the Spirit has been telling me! I pray every day that he would help me speak through HIM and take control of my tongue! God bless you! M
