Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pain and Confusion

It just comes sometimes out of the blue.  We are traveling on our merry way and then BAM~

They sap our strength and often send us into a spin.

Years ago when I was in the midst of horrible divorce, hovering on edge of despair,   the Lord sent a lady to my house with a "word"

I pass this on to you to day.  His Word is living and breathing and is applicable for eternity.  
Take it friend today for yourself.

"Fear not, for truly I am with you.  I have seen your pain and heard your cries. I know your doubts and you are wondering where I am in all your strife.  But know that I am in the very center of your storm and where I am is where your peace is.  Even though the storm rages around you it cannot come near you as long as you are in the center of My will.   Reach out and take hold of Me and I will rescue you from the devastation that has placed itself around you.  You need not fear the road ahead...My comfort is all around you....Be still and know  that I AM GOD!"

Beloved take this to day and rest in His presence!


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