Thursday, September 22, 2011

He is ABLE!

Years ago, on a summer morning, a small group of women met in my screen house for prayer.  Most were weary and many were encumbered with overwhelming  burdens.

As we prayed I saw a vision....

We, a very small band of ladies, were in a HUGE room,  we were dwarfed by its size.  Way far in the distance there was a throne where Jesus sat.  We slowly and hesitantly made our way to His Presence.  We were skittish and unsure of ourselves.
As we got close the Lord leaned forward, elbow on His knee and asked what He could do for us.  One by one we shared with Him our concerns.  He listened very intently, keenly interested.  When we were finished he sat back with a big smile on His kind face and said "  Ladies, go and enjoy your day, Everything is taken care of"

We sat on that deck for a long time that day, our limbs weighted down with His presence.  We felt a Peace that was truly beyond our understanding as the Lord had certainly ministered to us.

What are your concerns today?  He is ready to listen and is more than capable of handling anything that you might bring.  

Don't fear.....He loves you with an everlasting love...You are His child!


1 comment:

  1. So would be nice to experience His presence like that...Thank you for posting this it is beautiful.
